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Friday, March 1, 2013

You know what really grinds my gears?

     "How are we going to stop these injustices?" This is a question I ask myself on a day to day basis. I can't quite figure out exactly why i'm getting so pent up and upset at society and how it chooses to live. We as a whole are connected, and call me crazy, but I have noticed quite an awakening in the last few years taking place. People are starting to realize this, some aren't, but now seems as good a time as any to stop with the violence, ignorance, bigotry and interolance that go on every day. There is so much more in the world we should be experiencing as a nation, as a planet. To see the beauty in everything and everyone, is healing, helps the loneliness, self destruction, anger, anxiety and hopelessness. We repress our anger for these injustices, and add to the negativity in the world, we look away and ignore whats going on so it's not so scary or so maddening.
     Young girls are raised to believe a lot of times that if a boy is mean to you, he likes you (thanks, Pickle, for the inspiration on this one) if he pulls your hair or calls you names, kicks you in the dirt he's just showing he has a crush, (and we all know grade school children are the most impressionable.) This is WRONG PEOPLE! Then, these girls though unawares, so subtly start to believe they are worthless, that men are entitled to women, and women are meant to be second hand citizens. And, we wonder why girls nowadays parade their bodies, and degrade themselves. Yes, somethings can be empowering but sometimes too much, is just too much.
     Some men think that women should be big breasted, tiny hipped, and willing to put out to be even worthy of their time.  It doesn't matter how they look, it can't be helped (aside from plastic surgery) which even then, shouldn't be helped. You were born the way you are and unless it is interfering with your functioning or quality of life physically, we should all learn to love one another exactly as the other is. We are raised to believe something so extraordinarily ignorant that and refuse to change our opinions on things because we are too set in our ways.
     But if we all just opened our minds a little, looked at the duality in all things, good or bad, maybe, just maybe we as a civilization have chance. I see things getting worse and worse everyday and it scares me to think of what my children may have to face if i ever have any. Or my friends children, my nieces or nephews. We are all in this together. One love people, one love.

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